#905: Intersection Observer Scroll Margin
Rossen: the explainer is an issue...
Lea: we could ask forn an explainer and move on...
Dan: [leaves reply]
Rossen: looks like they haven't replied to us... Original issue ... still only an issue and not an explainer... No update based on last week's ask... I'm somewhat familiar with the issue but prefer to stick to the process even if's just to improve habits.
Dan: [reaches out to chris harrelson]
Rossen: it's important to have this ability as a further optimisation, trying to express and capture the ened user behaviour from something deep in the layout pipeline like this is difficult and maybe the author has found a challenge.. I'm fine with moving forward with this one
Peter: close satisfied?
Rossen: yep
Rossen to leave feedback and close as satisfied
OpenedSep 30, 2023
Hello TAG reviewers!
I'm requesting a TAG review of "Intersection Observer Scroll Margin".
Intersection Observer scrollMargin allows developers to observe targets inside nested scroll containers that are currently clipped away by the scroll containers. This is achieved by expanding the container's clipping rect by the scrollMargin when calculating the intersection.
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