#974: FedCM's IdP Registration API
Comment by @samuelgoto Sep 17, 2024 (See Github)
From todays minutes:
https://github.com/w3ctag/meetings/blob/gh-pages/2024/telcons/09-16-agenda.md#logistics https://cryptpad.w3ctag.org/code/#/2/code/view/9bPjNIDj4hX6pAkIA3hIgTaa8q57Mr+wssssQctYrww/
Peter: One thing I would like to see: FedCM not tied to speciic IDPs. I'd love to run my own personal IDP and use that to log in everywhere... Scared of a FedCM world where only a few top IDPs are used... Hadley: I'm with you but if I'm a RP don't I choose who I'm going to trust? Peter: yes - not sure how to reconcile... FedCM allows you to "bring your own IDP".. but RP cant just trust any old IDP... Matthew: +1 to both Peter and Hadley... Just to say that we both briefly touch on this in discussion with Sam ... we did touch on that in this meeting... minutes from last f2f
@torgo, @hadleybeeman, @plinss I just wanted to note that this early TAG review that we filed hopefully can add some clarity to some of the intuition that we are forming that matches what you discussed today. No particularly rush from my side to review this, but just wanted to send a review that should support your discussion, in case that's helpful.
OpenedJul 9, 2024
こんにちは TAG-さん!
I'm requesting a TAG review of FedCM's IdP Registration API.
One of the problems on the web is that users are currently constrained by a small set of social login providers to login to Websites. Websites, in turn, are constrained by finite space in login flows, so they typically have to pick 2-5 large social login providers (e.g. facebook, google, twitter, linkedin, github, etc) that can represent a large fraction of their users, but, by construction, not all of them.
This is a proposal to increase user choice by allowing RPs to request any IdPs that the user has chosen to register.
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¹ For background, see our explanation of how to write a good explainer. We recommend the explainer to be in Markdown.
² Even for early-stage ideas, a Security and Privacy questionnaire helps us understand potential security and privacy issues and mitigations for your design, and can save us asking redundant questions. See https://www.w3.org/TR/security-privacy-questionnaire/.