#845: Multiple Readers and Writers in File System Access API

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Opened May 18, 2023

こんにちは TAG-さん!

I'm requesting a TAG review of Multiple Readers and Writers in File System Access API.

Currently, only one FileSystemSyncAccessHandle may be open at a time per file, preventing an origin from reading the same file from multiple tabs easily. Conversely, multiple FileSystemWritableFileStream can be simultaneously open, letting multiple writers clobber each other.

Introducing new “create” modes for FileSystemSyncAccessHandle and FileSystemWritableFileStream allows opening either multiple readers/writers or an exclusive writer to a file entry, depending on the application's use case.

handle.createSyncAccessHandle({ mode: 'read-only' });
handle.createWritable({ mode: ‘exclusive’ });

Further details:

  • I have reviewed the TAG's Web Platform Design Principles
  • The group where the incubation/design work on this is being done: whatwg/fs and WICG/file-system-access
  • The group where standardization of this work is intended to be done: whatwg/fs
  • Existing major pieces of multi-stakeholder review or discussion of this design: https://github.com/whatwg/fs/issues/34
  • Major unresolved issues with or opposition to this design: Webkit is positive in regards to allowing multiple read-only FileSystemSyncAccessHandles, but the stance for multiple writers is not yet known.
  • This work is being funded by: Google

You should also know that…

  • FileSystemSyncAccessHandle is available only on Bucket File System (a.k.a. Origin Private File System), while FileSystemWritableFileStream is available on both Bucket File System (implemented in Blink, Gecko, WebKit) and local file system (Chromium-only).
  • We think that adding an optional dictionary is probably not controversial, and adding modes like shared read-only, exclusive readwrite, and (unsafe) shared readwrite are common across native file system APIs, but feedback on the specific enum strings would be especially welcome.
  • Also, we think that preventing modification of a parent directory via shared lock would be desired, as a file entry is represented by a file path; however, native file system behavior on this varies, and feedback on this is welcome.

We'd prefer the TAG provide feedback as:

🐛 open issues in our GitHub repo for each point of feedback




Dan: also related to https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/805

Sangwhan: I will write an async review and we can take it from there.



Dan: good to see notes on stakeholder feedback in the Explainer. Also good to see that there is positive feedback on the basic concept. It's not clear how well this meshes with filesystems that aren't how chromium thinks about filesystems.. maybe android/chromeos.. It would be good to see webkit and mozilla standards positions on this.

Sangwhan: ...modern filesystems...

Sangwhan: bfcache ... being put into the cache could break your lock... no way to do a lock override. You'd have to manually override but no API for that.

Dan: comment from Fergal on bfcache...

Sangwhan: and what happens if you crash? API seems fine.

Dan: in the explainer they've mentioned positive signals from mozilla and webkit but the links provided are to a whatwg thread. No standards positions.

Sangwhan: I will add to my feedback.



Dan: Mozilla standards position is positive..

Sangwhan: everyone implements opfs

Dan: is the design okay?

Sangwhan: it's fine. Their response makes sense [closing comment]

Dan: concern being support for different types of filesystems

Sangwhan: that's not on this api, that's a different thing. You can use this with only opfs

Dan: I agree.. right now there's a multistakeholder label but I feel we shouldn't have that. Maybe if it's not intrinsically linked to filesystem access that doesn't have multistakeholder support this should be satisfied?

Sangwhan: this can be satisified. In terms of filesystem access on the web, one mechanism is contentious, OPFS is not contentious. Each origin gets a little virtual filesystem. This implements multiple readers and writers on both of them, but its api that works aainst the handles so it doesn't care about what backend it's using. On the native filesystem support that's another thing, we should have a second discussion about that, it keeps on popping up whenever filesystem comes up.. the backend is very concerning. The APIs for the filesystem access that support both opfs and native are fine.

Dan: okay

we agree to close as satisfied