#302: Canvas TextMetrics
David: Minor things... APIs not designed very well for vertical texts. It's a feature in the HTML spec... nothing that's too big a deal here.
Dan: what is your recommendation?
David: lets see a respomse and make sure these things gets filed on HTML and see if there is a reaction there. Then we can probably close this issue.
David: Any one else has an opinion?
Dan: Let's not close before another TAG member has reviewed David's feedback
Peter: I agree with David and looking at it now. Seems that a few things are missing like x cap height etc. My main concern is that work happened in Houdini which then stopped because this was more complicated than expected. I would like to make sure that we have the right expertice in the room .
Dan: I feel that we need to get feedback from them before we close this off. Can you do that Peter, write into the comment?
Peter: Sure
Dan: Bump this a week and see if we get good feedback
Travis: We need to notify Fernand
OpenedAug 31, 2018
Bonjour TAG,
I'm requesting a TAG review of:
Further details (optional):
You should also know that...
A version of this API has already been implemented on Chrome/Firefox/Safari. We are asking for review over an updated version that also matches discussions had over the CSS houdini spec discussion. The hope is that, in the future, we could merge those two specs.
We'd prefer the TAG provide feedback as (please select one):