#707: [mediaqueries-4] Range contexts
Comment by @torgo Feb 2, 2022 (See Github)
Hi @andruud can you please write an explainer for this and link to it rather than linking to a blog post?
Comment by @atanassov Mar 22, 2022 (See Github)
Hi again @andruud,
We took a look at this in our hybrid meeting today. Since an explainer is still missing, we're gonna go ahead and close this for now. Please feel free to reopen once there's an explainer, as I suspect the rest of the review will be rather straightforward.
Cheers, @LeaVerou, @atanassov and @plinss
OpenedJan 7, 2022
Braw mornin' TAG!
I'm requesting a TAG review of the new media query syntax in Media Queries Level 4, which allows expressing media queries in a more readable (to some) way.
Further details:
We'd prefer the TAG provide feedback as (please delete all but the desired option):
🐛 open issues in our GitHub repo for each point of feedback