#617: ModuleServiceWorker
Dan: we didn't have time for this at our last face to face, it went into the abyss
Ken: we were fine with this right? Makes all the sense. Instead of the weird import script thing, now it's just a regular module. Makes sense to me, no concerns. Safari implemented it, and now they're implementing in Chrome
Dan: there's argument about the explainer, have they resolved this?
Ken: no they haven't. We could close unsatisfied because of that
Dan: I feel like we should do that. [leaves comment]
Ken: closing satisfied with concerns
OpenedMar 11, 2021
Ya ya yawm TAG!
I'm requesting a TAG review of ModuleServiceWorker.
Chromium supports three types of workers: Dedicated Workers, Shared Workers, and Service Workers. Importing ES modules has been implemented and shipped for Dedicated Workers, but not for Service Workers. We'd like to launch importing ES modules for service workers, since Service Workers are the foundation of PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) and should support importing ES modules to provide the new PWA features.
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