#489: review HTML event loop and how things fit into it
Tess: David filed this as a result of other design reviews... had implications for the event loop and how things hook into it. Intent was to take a closer look at what's in the HTML spec, figure out if it can be hooked into by other specifications. We haven't done that... think it's a good idea to use some of the f2f to do this, walk through the existing spec. I moved the milestones onto the f2f. Kind of deep dive that f2f time is better for.
David: Sounds good.
Rossen & Tess came up with a possible compromise and floated it to the CSS WG in their issue. Rossen will try to get the WG to take this up next week in New York.
Rossen: we had this in the agenda for the CSS f2f ... we had a conversation and overall agreement in wg that this is important and we should specify the types of behaviours that are causing flushes in the subsystem in style layout and paint... and what are the patterns to be used to batch as many capabilities as possible. On the back of this we tasked ... and Dbaron... to think about it. [could take a while]. This issue can't make fwd progress before that work comes back. We could keep this open or close it in similar state.
Dan: feel like we should close it.
Tess: Happy to close it. When CSS group comes back we could get an update. Don't feel we need to keep tracking issue open.
Peter: yes ok.
Rossen: can close it
Tess: Rossen brought this to the CSSWG, so maybe we're done here?
... last time we looked at it, we came to the conclusion the most important thing to do was to follow up with CSS wg... Rossen brought to CSS WG. They're discussing. Not the TAG's role to do the spec work.
Peter: Shall we close it?
Rossen: I'm fine with closing it.
Peter: how does it tie into getting Houdini task force up and running?
Tess: last week we talked about batching & flushing.. a notion that this was something Houdini could take up. Low level parts of CSS that historically not descibed in documents... actually in Houdini's wheelhouse?
Rossen: on one side I agree.. on the flip side, internal details of css ... if we don't continue to force those discussions with CSS WG.. might not be more expedient...
... some commitments by CSS WG members made.
Tess: maybe we can just wrap up.
agreed to close
Peter: several new APIs where people are synchronously flushing layout / style - we kind of want to extend into a generic design principle.
Rossen: do we have a design principle that says "avoid sync api"?
Peter: we have an open issue - avoid sync apis that cause style / layout flushing. https://github.com/w3ctag/design-principles/issues/388
Rossen: I think we can write this - we can give some examples.
Peter: we don't have a good defintion of what it means to flush layout or style. I agree we can have the principle w/o a def.
Rossen: as a path forward
issue added to next week
OpenedMar 23, 2020
Hello TAG!
This is a continuation of the discussion in #197 because the things that I've been keeping that open for aren't really specific to
anymore.However, I think we do need to further review the HTML event loop, make sure it's specified clearly enough for new things to slot into it in an interoperable way, etc.
There's a bunch of prior discussion in the above issue and also in a bunch of other issues linked from it.