#680: HTMLPopupElement

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Opened Sep 28, 2021

Braw mornin' TAG! (That's a new one for me 😄 )

I'm requesting a TAG review of the <popup> element. This is effectively a re-opening of the previously requested TAG review for this feature.

That review was closed, waiting for the proposed "Anchor Positioning" feature to be available for review. Please see this comment on the old review, linking to the explainer for Anchor Positioning, plus some additional context. Essentially, the Anchor Positioning feature now has an explainer and a significant amount of brainstorming is happening around the shape of the API. From those links you should be able to get a sense for what will be possible, positioning-wise, for <popup>. And hopefully that's enough to re-open and continue the TAG review for <popup>. In the time since the last TAG review, a draft specification has been written and reviewed by editors of the WHATWG HTML spec. And a prototype implementation in Chromium is basically complete. Several of the comments on the prior TAG review lead to changes that have been made in the spec and implementation, e.g. the addition of an initiallyopen attribute to declaratively open the popup.

Further details:

  • I have reviewed the TAG's Web Platform Design Principles
  • Relevant time constraints or deadlines: None
  • The group where the work on this specification is currently being done: OpenUI
  • The group where standardization of this work is intended to be done: WHATWG HTML/DOM
  • Major unresolved issues with or opposition to this specification: None that I know of
  • This work is being funded by: Google & Microsoft

You should also know that...

I appreciate the TAG. 👍

We'd prefer the TAG provide feedback as (please delete all but the desired option):

💬 leave review feedback as a comment in this issue and @-notify @mfreed7




Lea: Domenic left a really good issue we hadn't discussed... recently they opened a new review... for anchored positioning proposal. Domenic raised an issue around semantics. It's an antipattern to add a new element that requires ARIA attributes to give it its semantics. A good point.

Dan: looks like an open discussion, ongoing. Might be worth supporting Dominic's point if you thnk it's good?

Lea: could upvote.. don't want to add noise

Dan: positive reinforcement..

Peter: i do agree - it gives a bit of pause - feels more like a base class than an element. if the goal is to create a toolkit for custom element creators then one could argue there's a role for that.

Peter: having lower level nonsemantic behaviours that have components - makes sense. If that's what they're trying to do and this is one of several - i can accept that as a design pattern.

Lea: good question to ask.

Peter: I've wondered if we shouldn't make HTML elements more geared towards building apps...

Lea: any precedent for native elemnts ... can browsers add a native element in future that inherits from popup?

Rossen: ..composition of form elements.. input is the base for a few different elements.. input type text, date, color.

Lea: I found one - html video and audio element inherit from media. Although there the base class is abstract.

Peter: this popup feels more like a base class.

Lea: which supports Domenic's suggestion...



Ken: there's a comment from Peter.. Is this an early review?

Tess: second time asking. Since then, prototype in chromium complete. Later than early review.

Ken: a lot of issues.. a lot of work still ongoing.. lots of crucial stuff discussed... is this really time for review?

Tess: might be a mistake to review something that is likely to change significantly. But Dom has been doing the work of the TAG for us here... he's forcefully making points.. if we're going to say we hold off on review until things settle down we should say something stronger about the content of that churn. Sometimes when groups come to us for review they ask for feedback on a thing they're happy with. But we could influence this debate. I don't was us to be totally neutral.

Ken: does seem like they do have some agreement now

Tess: haven't got that far... say something like there's a whole lot of discussion and a gap between what you have consensus on and what is written down. Please come back to us when you have made the text reflect consensus..

Draft closing comment:

Hi everybody! Thank you for your patience as we've taken a while to get back to you on this one. Special thanks to @domenic for his thorough review of this feature. We're happy to see that there's been a bunch of productive conversation on this here and in various OpenUI issues. It sounds like the direction you expect this to go in is pretty different from what the current documents describe. We'd like to hold off on reviewing until you've updated the documents to match the current understanding. Please let us know when to revisit this!