#403: WebXR Device API

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Opened Aug 8, 2019


I'm requesting a TAG review of:

@NellWaliczek, editor @toji, editor @cwilso, WG co-chair @AdaRoseCannon, WG co-chair @TrevorFSmith, CG chair

Further details:

The WebXR device API has recently reached the point where it is considered a feature complete replacement for the deprecated WebVR API. We have also switched the work mode to be based around modules where the current "vr complete" WebXR device API acts as a core with other modules such as 'webxr-ar-module' and 'webxr-gamepad-module' building on that, we are not requesting a review for these modules yet.

We are also working on a polyfill for the WebXR device API, https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr-polyfill/

In addition there are multiple browsers vendors working on implementations in their browsers.

We recommend the explainer to be in Markdown. On top of the usual information expected in the explainer, it is strongly recommended to add:

  • Links to major pieces of multi-stakeholder review or discussion of this specification:
  • Links to major unresolved issues or opposition with this specification:

You should also know that...

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We'd prefer the TAG provide feedback as (please select one):

  • open issues in our GitHub repo for each point of feedback
  • open a single issue in our GitHub repo for the entire review
  • leave review feedback as a comment in this issue and @-notify [github usernames]

Please preview the issue and check that the links work before submitting. In particular, if anything links to a URL which requires authentication (e.g. Google document), please make sure anyone with the link can access the document.

¹ For background, see our explanation of how to write a good explainer.




Alice: I statred reading it - i was wondering if I might do an editing pass? Explainer text - I would make a PR - here are a bunch of suggested edits none of which you are obligated to accept.

Dan: I think that would be well received. Let me check with Ada.

Alice: Also I feel it's longer than it maybe needs to be. Some stuff I didn't fully understand...

Alice: it's very thorough - all the info that needs to be in there is in there. Didn't have an specific questions about the spec (API) yet.

Dan: I got a ping from Nell asking about them joining us to talk through it - i suggest TPAC.

Hadley: I'm not clear why the WebVR API is deprecated and therefore why replace it? Sure there are good reasons but would be good to understand the journey.

Dan: I'll ask Ada about getting some time on their Agenda at TPAC



Alice: I had a look at that. I left a long comment. I haven't had a look at Brandon's comment. How webxr works with feature policy - i don't have context. Can someone else take it? Brandon explained the relationship with webvr and asking us for feedback on use of feature policy....

Dan: I would say yes, otherwise the data leaks through the webxr API then it could be used by e.g. trackers.

Alice: does blocking these features amount to blocking webxr when webxr exposes these features - or is it up to the developer to know "webxr exposes these features therefore I'll block webxr via feature policy"?

David: there are various options - if webxr might depend on a feature then you act as though it's always required...

Alice: device orientation?

David: You could say: if the feature policy says you're not allowed to use device orientation, then webxr doesn't work, even on a desktop device.

Alice: so you don't get the inconsistency.

Alice: the suggestion: if it depends on it in any context then access in all contexts should be restricted.

Dan: I can get on their agenda at TPAC about it?

Alice: 3 options ? 2 options ? 2.5 options: (1) if an API which webxr depends on on this platform is blocked then block webxr (1a) if an api which webxr depends on on any platform then block webxr on any platform (2) up to the developer to sepataely block webxr.

Dan: Did you make the big PR and did they comment?

Alice: I did send it in. They said thanks but they won't have time to think about it. I wrote a chunk on accessibility. It raises a question also relevant to Toast thing. In both cases there needs to be work done to come up with an accessibility story for the space. History of HTML - ARIA came much later.... How much do we want to require a coherent a11y strategy before allowing it onto the platform? Comments I had: what scope is there to develop that story - are we limiting the options?

Dan: Of note: https://www.w3.org/2019/08/inclusive-xr-workshop/ - workshop happening in November.

Alice: to what extent are the core xr team doing that work? or at least on top of that work?

Dan: I confirmed one of the chairs will be there but don't know about the rest of the core team.

[bumped to tpac



Tess: We marked this "pending external feedback" in December, and never got feedback. So we're waiting on them?

David: do they know we are?

Alice: likely slipped off their radar

Tess: I'll leave a comment -- poke the issue, say waiting on answers.

Alice: Maybe bring to Dan's attention in the plenary? I don't think anything a deal-breaker. I still want to see evidence that accessibility is a core part of their design process rather than a to-do list item.

Tess: Agreed.

Tess: Set a new milestone?

Alice: 2 weeks



Dan: I asked Ada to comment. From my PoV I think we should close but I just wanted to be sure. Let's hopefully have a discussion and be able to close it by the plenary call



Dan: I think they're happy and we're happy so let's close.

Peter: [closes