#678: Pre-CR review of CSS Cascading and Inheritance Level 5

Visit on Github.

Opened Sep 18, 2021

I'm requesting a TAG review of Cascading and Inheritance Level 4 and 5.


Further details:

  • [your link here still points at github.io] I have reviewed the TAG's Web Platform Design Principles
  • Relevant time constraints or deadlines: Aiming for CR in May/June
  • The group where the work on this specification is currently being done: CSSWG
  • The group where standardization of this work is intended to be done (if current group is a community group or other incubation venue): CSSWG
  • Major unresolved issues with or opposition to this specification:
    • Some syntax-bikeshedding issues still open: layers term nested layer name joiner
    • There is an open issue against the @import chapter to get @import fetches properly defined against the [[FETCH]] model, so that cross-origin issues, etc., are well-defined. (We are attempting to fix this, but the Fetch spec is still somewhat troublesome to author against, and there are few examples of correct usage (even the HTML spec is still broken in this respect). We anticipate this will be fixed in a future CR publication, before requesting advancement to REC.)
  • This work is being funded by: Google

You should also know that...

Cascade 5 is a superset of Cascade 4 which is a superset of Cascade 3 (REC). Aside from the @import sections and the definitions of new features, they've been kept largely in sync.

The Cascade Level 4 specification was reviewed by the TAG in https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/555

The “cascade layers” feature was reviewed by the TAG in https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/597

We'd prefer the TAG provide feedback as (please delete all but the desired option):

🐛 open issues in our GitHub repo for each point of feedback


Discussed Sep 1, 2021 (See Github)

Rossen: css cascade level 5 is so hot right now. Hottest thing since CSS cascade level 4.

Dan: talked about it in plenary last week but nobody was around to own it

Amy: [puts hand up]

Rossen: focusing on the additions --- new things added - one of the higest level things was cascade layers. In my opinion probably the most dramatic change to css cascade for some time...

Peter: I think it's the only significant change between 4 and 5...

Rossen: also a big change in capability to developers - you want to be able to have groups of style sheets - e.g. from different teams in your org - and you want to be able to define who overrides whom.. being able to create islands of content styled correctly... layering sets of stylesheets - for any part of your application.

Ken: implementations?

Rossen: furthest is mozilla... chromium is also implementing... It's HOT!

[discussion of web 3.0. Which isn't a thing.]

Comment by @torgo Oct 19, 2021 (See Github)

@fantasai thanks for the prod - I have changed the link to the design principles in the issue templates to point to the TR version.

Comment by @torgo Oct 19, 2021 (See Github)

Hi @fantasai - Thanks for this. On review it seems the major changes are all to do with cascade layers which the TAG has already reviewed favourably: https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/597 so on that basis I we're happy to see this move forward.