#610: inert attribute
Lea: concern that this is a boolean attribute, once you turn it on for a subtree there's no way to turn it on for a descendent element, which I think there are use cases for (comment) but otherwise straightforward.
Tess: the way dialog and inert are built on the same model... dialog imposes inert on everything else whereas inert imposes it on a subtree. But i agree punching out of inertness in a subree is useful outside of the dialog scenario
Lea: dialog doesn't even use this?
Tess: the point is that the concept of inertness in the spec that underlies the inert attribute is also used by dialog. But dialog is not using the inert attribute because these are two ways of exposing a similar behaviour in two different parts of the tree.
Dan: needs security and privacy review - pending. Premature to close. Two weeks
OpenedFeb 16, 2021
Wil sha TAG!
I'm requesting a TAG review of the
attribute.A node (in particular elements and text nodes) can be marked as inert. When a node is inert, then the user agent must act as if the node was absent for the purposes of targeting user interaction events, may ignore the node for the purposes of find-in-page, and may prevent the user from selecting text in that node. User agents should allow the user to override the restrictions on search and text selection, however.
attribute is a boolean attribute that indicates, by its presence, that the element and all its shadow-including descendants is to be made inert.Further details:
We'd prefer the TAG provide feedback as (please delete all but the desired option):
💬 leave review feedback as a comment in this issue and @-notify @alice