#630: Service Worker subresource filter
Propose close. This seems way to early for the TAG to get involved. Further, the URL fragment approach seem very limited and tied to a specific use-case. We question why scoping wouldn't be handled during the service worker registration.
OpenedMay 6, 2021
Ya ya yawm TAG!
I'm requesting a TAG review of Service Worker subresource filter.
Service Worker fetch events are currently all-or-nothing – if a Service Worker with a fetch event is registered, all fetches will be intercepted by it. This makes incremental adoption difficult because it subjects all requests to the overhead introduced by the Service Worker even if it doesn't end up handling the request in any meaningful way. A subresource filter will allow a document to specify what subresources are allowed to be intercepted by the Service Worker.
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We'd prefer the TAG provide feedback as (please delete all but the desired option):
💬 leave review feedback as a comment in this issue and @-notify @noahlemen