#521: Scroll-linked Animations

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Opened Jun 8, 2020

Hello TAG!

I'm requesting a TAG review of Scroll-linked Animations. Previous design review request for this stalled for lack of an explainer and the specification was less mature at that point. Since then we have moved the specification to be part of CSSWG and it has undergone major changes to ensure it integrates well with web-animations and improve the API ergonomics.

Scroll-linked animations are a common UX pattern on the web. We are proposing a new API that works in conjunction with existing Web Animations and CSS Animations APIs to enable declarative scroll-linked animations to improve their smoothness and ergonomics. In Web Animations, an AnimationTimeline is the source of time progress that drives the animations. ScrollTimeline is a new timeline whose function is to translate “changes in scroll position” of an element into “changes in time”. This allows animations to be driven by scrolling as opposed to by wall clock thus taking advantage of all existing animation machinery on the web.

Further details:

  • I have reviewed the TAG's API Design Principles
  • Relevant time constraints or deadlines:
  • The group where the work on this specification is currently being done: CSSWG
  • The group where standardization of this work is intended to be done (if current group is a community group or other incubation venue): N/A
  • Major unresolved issues with or opposition to this specification: We are working to remove timeRange in the timeline and there is on-going discussions on how-to achieve that.
  • This work is being funded by: See affiliation of editors.

You should also know that...

We have been working closely with web-animations specification (Brian Birtles is editor in both specification) to ensure the integration makes sense and works as expected. The specification is modest in terms of the usecases it tries to address but our hope is that it can be expanded in future to allow more usecases.

CSS syntax and Element-based offsets sections have been reworked most recently.

We'd prefer the TAG provide feedback as (please delete all but the desired option):

🐛 open issues in our GitHub repo for each point of feedback


Discussed Jun 1, 2020 (See Github)

Rossen: a complicated one. I've been wondering how unstable... There's only one new step added in the pipeline, between dispatching rAF and updating web animations. And that one... When I looked at this, I thought this specific updated could be unstable based on some of the layout or paint results. And I was trying to find a way to find a way in this explainer that this is addressed. They do talk about it a little bit. But I'm curious if any other TAG reviewers have answers to that.

David: something I knew something about 2 years ago and haven't looked at since.

Alice: Found the explainer hard to read because of all the animations; would like markdown to not animate GIFs by default.

Sangwhan: WebP! (So they don't show up in Safari!)

Alice: That aside, I need to have a closer read. I asked a similar question on something else to do with animations on how we might deeply integrate this with prefers-reduced-motion. I feel like that was blown off a little bit last time. Authors can use prefers-reduced-motion... but I think there should be a sensible default so that things prefers-reduced-motion disables animation effects by default unless authors specifically opt in to it. So the default shouldn't be for the prefers-reduced-motion setting to do something -- authors should have to opt in for it to do nothing.

Rossen: So today it's on to authors to stop/throttle animations based on (prefers-reduced-motion). So authors who don't care

Alice: ... or on deadline...

Rossen: ... anything engines do by default today?

Alice: I think we stop animated GIFs.

Alice: That's a good question. Chromium has code that looks at that setting other than the code that exposes it to (prefers-reduced-motion) media query, but I don't remember what that code does.

Rossen: If you don't do anything as the author, besides GIFs, sounds like nothing else stops animating.

Alice: I'd have to check -- don't remember.

Rossen: Does WebKit or Safari do more?

Tess: I'd have to ask James.

Peter: Would be interesting to have users have to opt in to animations, rather than opt out and hoping the authors respect their choice. Is there a middle ground, not switching off all forms of animation by default? Or are there subtle ones that are more ok?

Rossen: I wanted to see how much of the behavior can/should be forced onto the content. I can see a path forward where something like prefers-reduced-motion can throttle everything down by 50%, slow down timers, etc. Make it to the point where authors will have incentive to pay attention to it.

Rossen: Or you can go further -- I can see UAs going and being more forceful and stopping more than animated GIFs.

Peter: There's a lot of code that stops things like autoplaying videos. People consider a lot of these animations to be obnoxious. Can we determine obnoxiousness? How far/fast pixels are moving?

David: Maybe also users for whom slowing things down makes things worse?

Peter: Could slow things down into ranges that trigger epilepsy, could be dangerous.

Alice: Questions:

  1. What should the default behavior be given that the default should respect the setting and not require authors to opt in?
  2. Whose responsibility is it to figure out what the default should be and how do they do that?

Alice: Do you shut off animation by default? That could cause problems as well?

Peter: There are subtle animations that are often good for accessibility?

Rossen: Same thing for anything based on timers? Same for transitions?

Sangwhan: Feels like this could be a smaller breakout at some point.

Sangwhan: How many problems require this treatment? Does anybody really know?

Alice: Maybe the AOM meeting a good place to discuss this? (Yes.) I'll put it on the agenda.

Alice: Not sure if I should comment until we've had that discussion.

Rossen: Reasonable to ask... ?

Alice: I'll hold off for now.

Rossen: Yeah, not sure what's actionable. Today Web Animations doesn't do anything; this builds on top of Web Animations.

Rossen: Issue is pretty new.

Sangwhan: Was a previous review in #330.

(discussion about adding comments)

Peter: I'm looking at the IDL in this spec -- why object or domstring if the only valid string is an enum, why not the enum? Are there other string values?

Rossen: Looked at this in Kyoto during Houdini meeting, feedback was this (missed) -- let's see how this can work with Web Animations? Renewed proposal a year later, had timeline. Scroll timeline was introduced, started to be merged with web animations. In general, overall feature and its place in the platform is sort of the right spot. I think we're getting lost in details (plenty of them, a big feature). Does anyone think overall feature is in a bad spot in terms of where it falls in the platform?

David: I really don't remember it...

Rossen: push out by 2 weeks and hope we get to it?

Tess: Sounds good to me.

Peter: I think I answered by question about the IDL -- seems like they also take length and percentage. I'd like them to use Typed OM rather than string. Would like to start pushing people to use that instead.

Rossen: +1

Discussed Jul 1, 2020 (See Github)

Alice: question about sensible default for prefers-reduced-motion. Example from James Craig: Safari on phone lost a zoom out animation because couldn't tell which was the current tab; fixed that problem. Using that as example why you shouldn't turn off all animation when using prefers-reduced-motion. But I thought it was an example of the contrary -- probably better to close the wrong tab than going around triggering people's vestibular disorders.

Tess: Somewhere in the middle: a designer who's aware of prefers-reduced-motion and aware of it could find milder animation for that setting rather than none at all. But the default without writing any media queries, if the default is disable it, hopefully they'd know that and be able to code to that case. [...missed...]

Alice: Are user needs better forced by turning off by default or on?

Tess: Risk of creating a mechanism for users to opt back in

David: I think there have historically been two approaches to this in CSS. Some things, like Presto's handling of projection, detect the presence of a media query and have different defaults when it's present. This can behave quite badly when libraries are in use; if one library is aware of prefers-reduced-motion and has appropriately-reduced animations, and another doesn't, it leads to bad results. I think the model of color-adjust: economy | exact where things are individually designated as being OK (in this case, to print backgrounds) is a better one.

Alice: Yeah, agree that it's better to say "this animation is OK".

Alice: This discussion doesn't apply to just this API. Not sure if it makes sense to comment on this API or whether it's a broader comment for CSS WG. Should all animation APIs require an explicit opt-in to work when a prefers-reduced-motion media query would match?

Tess: I'd expect to be shot down by a compat argument that too much existing content would break...

Alice: ... stop triggering vestibular disorders.

Tess: ... seems like an improvement.

David: Is there any relevant experience from having shipped prefers-reduced-motion? Or is the interesting experience that we'd get if browsers actually disabled animations by default for reduced motion settings?

Alice: I think I've seen complaints that sites still move a lot when users enable the reduced motion setting.

(complaint about Parallax example in explainer)

Tess: Parallax example is a great example of something that should be disabled.

Alice: I think there was an Apple blog post about types of animations that tend to trigger vestibular disorders.

Alice: Should we bump the rest to next week and revisit then for rest of the API

Discussed Jul 1, 2020 (See Github)

Rossen: Main hiccup is between things that want to interact with timers/capabilities such as prefers-reduced-motion.

Alice: It's a tricky one.

Rossen: I don't believe we have a good answer based on discussions in CSSWG so far.

Peter: There's an issue on CSSWG - should we make this pending feedback

Discussed Jul 1, 2020 (See Github)

Alice: They filed an issue.

Tess: Analogy with forced-colors is good. But not all user preferences are created equal - this is "I prefer not to have seizures/motion sickness", not "I prefer dark mode".

... Could map the "reduce motion" preference to "forced-reduced-motion" MQ instead of "prefers-reduced-motion".

Alice: A lot of animations aren't problematic, and are useful.

Tess: Need some way of distinguishing parallax from...

Alice: e.g. flying focus rings

... Here is the WebKit blog post with the list of problematic animation types: https://webkit.org/blog/7551/responsive-design-for-motion/#zoom

Tess: If you ask authors to denote what their animation is doing... they're not going to do that. Hard to even get people to add alt text. People don't tend to notice things that don't affect them directly.

... Would need to be some heuristic but what? Number of elements impacted? Number of properties changed at once?

... If I was some very knowledgeable author with a very complicated site, and I wanted to handle prefers-reduced-motion by selectively disabling animations on my site but without fore-knowledge of what they are.. I could use the web animations API to figure out what animations are running... what would the risk factors be?

  • Total number of animations e.g. 20 animations is probably too many?

Alice: The article lists the following triggers:

  • Scaling and zooming, e.g. giving the illusion that the viewer is moving forward and backward in physical space
    • example is a subtle zoom effect on a background image which is played on mouse hover. Fix is to simply turn off the zooming effect when prefers-reduced-motion matches
  • Spinning and Vortex Effects - visual elements moving in circular motions around a large portion of the page, behind still elements.
    • fix is to disable the spinning effects
  • Multi-speed/multi directional movement (often parallax effects)
    • fix is to turn off parallax effects and just scroll normally
  • Dimensionality or Plane Shifting
    • example is a solar array that tilts as the page scrolls.
    • Fix is to disable the tilting animation and scroll normally
  • Peripheral motion, specifically horizontal movement
    • Example is an animation of leaves gently swaying near text

Tess: It's interesting that most of these examples are scroll-linked

Alice: What examples have the scroll-linked animation authors given us other than problematic ones?

  • Progress bar animations... probably

... I think every other example is problematic per the WebKit blog post.

... Scaling and/or translating animations in all of the problematic examples

Tess: Rotating would be another problematic transform

... blur was in one case in the WebKit blog post - that would be a filter, rather than a transform

... scaling and translating are often "hacked" using width/height, left/top etc.

... blur could be simulated in other ways.

... 3D transforms are directly messing with perspective

Alice: I'm really tempted to say that there are so few unproblematic cases for scroll-linked animations that scroll-linked animations should need to opt-in rather than opt-out of running if the user prefers reduced motion.

Tess: There would be push-back because of the inconsistency. Not really a backwards compat issue because it's not shipping yet. Argument about inconsistency is primarily theoretical purity, also partly a learnability thing. But the user need is very clear. Still gives the author to opt-in. Sweet spot of meeting user needs and powerful enough to allow authors to do what they need to do...

... Would like opt-in to explicitly mention the risk, somehow. Would be kind of cool if the word "vestibular" were in the property value. Like you have to type out "this animation is not going to harm people with vestibular disorders", basically.

Alice: Can always copy-paste your animation into the prefers-reduced-motion block.

Tess: Would be good to give people something easily Googleable where we can attach an explanation about the harm that can be done to users. Not having that risks authors blithely copy/pasting code into prefers-reduced-motion blocks without understanding why that might harm users.

... I'm happy to try and comment to this effect.

  1. The default needs to be off
  2. We should have an opt-in syntax which is clear about the potential user impac
Comment by @alice Jul 14, 2020 (See Github)

Given that one of the use cases this API is explicitly designed to enable is parallax scroll effects, which is a known trigger for vestibular disorders, it might be worth considering how this feature integrates with prefers-reduced-motion.

For example, should animations expressed using this API be disabled by default if prefers-reduced-motion would match? And if so, could we design a way to allow animations to express that they are safe to be shown for users who prefer reduced motion?

I think it might even be worth opening a broader discussion on what the default behaviour for prefers-reduced-motion should be for all web APIs which allow animation, but I think the question is especially critical for this API given it's more likely than average to cause harm to users.

Comment by @majido Jul 14, 2020 (See Github)

Thanks @alice for the feedback. I have filled an issue this in CSSWG and will bring this up with other editors and will get back to you on that.

Discussed Aug 1, 2020 (See Github)

Pending extenal feedback. Monitoring.

Discussed Aug 1, 2020 (See Github)

Alice: there was an issue in CSS wg...

Discussed Jan 1, 2021 (See Github)

Alice: Looks like there's been no real progress on the prefers-reduced-motion issue. Left a comment prompting an update.

Comment by @alice Jan 26, 2021 (See Github)

We are looking at this again in our virtual face-to-face meeting.

Has there been any further discussion on the interaction of this feature with user preferences to reduce motion to avoid triggering vestibular disorders and other issues?

Comment by @flackr Jan 26, 2021 (See Github)

From https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5321 it sounded like we are leaning in the direction of adding new media query values for better granularity and possibly to continue to allow for a reduce mode where the author is in control of responsibly reducing their animations without browser intervention.

I'm also not sure whether we were settled on this being exclusive to scroll linked animations vs affecting regular animations.

Discussed May 1, 2021 (See Github)

Ran out of time.

Discussed Sep 1, 2021 (See Github)

Lea: Left comment

Comment by @LeaVerou Sep 16, 2021 (See Github)

Hi @majido,

@atanassov and I discussed this in our virtual f2f today.

We are happy to see the CSS WG resolution that addresses the accessibility concerns.

Looking at the proposed API, we thought that while referencing elements by explicit id is easy if the scroll-based animation involves e.g. header elements or the root element, it would be quite painful to use it for a collection of elements (e.g. a list of posts, products, places etc). Not only would that require setting individual ids on each one, but also adding a separate @scroll-timeline rule for each one even if the animation is exactly the same. Have you explored ways to reference a source element relative to the animation element? (e.g. keywords for common cases, or relative selectors, or closest() are some ideas that come to mind)

Comment by @flackr Oct 18, 2021 (See Github)

I think having keywords or functions for relative scroller selection makes perfect sense. There is a current proposed rethinking of the declarative syntax which makes some of these changes as well as allowing relative element selection for element-based offsets: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6674.

Discussed Nov 1, 2021 (See Github)

Dan: there is a response..

Tess: if they're considering rethinking the syntax shouldn't we say cool come back to us when you do so, or not, so we can review the thing you want us to review instead of reviewing something that will radically change?

Peter: sounds right

Tess: they haven't asked us to review the alternative

Comment by @hober Nov 8, 2021 (See Github)

Hi @flackr,

There is a current proposed rethinking of the declarative syntax which makes some of these changes as well as [...]

Oh, thanks for letting us know! We'll hold off on doing a deeper dive until you've decided which direction to go in with the declarative syntax. Could you let us know when to take another look?

Discussed Dec 1, 2021 (See Github)

Peter: last comment from Tess asking for new direction...

Tess: we've been waiting on them... should we ping again?

Rossen: I remember the discussion... at end of sept. We took some resolutions in CSS wg... Linked from our issue #6674. Resolution 29 - adopt the new direction for declarative scroll linked animation. Since then I don't see evidence that that landed into the spec. Also the discussions I see here are not challenging that direction. From what I can tell folks are working on adopting that new direction and hopefully we can have an update here. We should leave it for now.

Peter: bumped to next year

Comment by @atanassov Dec 13, 2021 (See Github)

Hi @flackr, looking at this issue again, it appears you're all still working on adopting the new syntax proposed by fantasai/Miriam Suzanne. However, none of the CSSWG resolutions seem to have made their way into the spec or your explainer.

Can you update this issue letting us know when it's ready for us to reengage?

Discussed Feb 1, 2022 (See Github)

Rossen: The issue has been evolved into a rework of the proposed feature. We're closing this review and encauraging the authors to repoen/open a new one once ready.

Comment by @atanassov Feb 15, 2022 (See Github)

We did another pass at this issue during our breakout session. It appears you folks are running on an alternative approach and syntax, which is great given how interesting and valuable this feature is.

From the TAG perspective we can't add much value at this point, thus we're closing the issue and encourage you to open a new one when ready.

Thank you for working with us. Looking forward to the next round of reviews.