#614: ARIA in HTML review

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Opened Mar 1, 2021

We're preparing to transition ARIA in HTML to CR and we'd welcome your review.

The ARIA in HTML specification documents the authoring rules for using ARIA when HTML is the host language.

You last reviewed ARIA in HTML in 2018. There have been changes to the spec since then.

If it's possible for you to complete your review by 2 April, we'd be grateful. The WebApps WG will be rechartering in April/May and we'd very much like to request transition to CR before then if we can.

Please file your comments and issues on the ARIA in HTML repo, using the appropriate horizontal review labels.

If you could reply here to let us know when your review is complete, that would be helpful.

With thanks




Rossen: Here's the link to set of changes we should focus on https://github.com/w3c/html-aria/issues?q=is%3Apull+closed%3A%3E2018-11-01

... Rossen and Tess looked through many PRs and found nothing problematic. Rossen left a closing comment and resolved the review.

Ran out of time before getting to any of our other issues; moved them to 2A.