#934: Gamepad Trigger Rumble Extension
Dan: we talked about closing this last time...
Matthew: yes I agree - and they answered the questions about why this is necessary, and what comes next.
agreed to close as satisfied
Dan: we talked about closing this last time...
Matthew: yes I agree - and they answered the questions about why this is necessary, and what comes next.
agreed to close as satisfied
OpenedFeb 16, 2024
こんにちは TAG-さん!
I'm requesting a TAG review of Gamepad Trigger Rumble.
Currently, there are gamepads, like the Microsoft's Xbox and the Razer Wolverine Ultimate Controllers, which comes equipped with "impulse triggers" capable of providing trigger-rumble feedback to the user. While the GamepadHapticActuator, part of the Gamepad API, already provides support for dual-rumble effect, it does not allow developers to have access to trigger-rumble yet. This extension will allow game developers to equip their web applications with a wider set of haptics feedback options, making it possible for their users to have a richer and more engaging experience on the web.
Further details:
You should also know that...
Both Chromium and WebKit already have this extension implemented and working behind a feature flag. Moreover, this is an extension to what the Gamepad API spec maintainers now view as a legacy API and we expect future haptic effects will use a new API.
We'd prefer the TAG provide feedback as (please delete all but the desired option):
💬 leave review feedback as a comment in this issue and @-notify @gabrielsanbrito, @SteveBeckerMSFT