#137: Disable Local Playback During Audio Sharing
Comment by @dbaron Sep 27, 2016 (See Github)
Do you have a link to a specification and explainer for this?
Is "goog" a google vendor prefix? Why should this API have such a prefix?
Comment by @alvestrand Sep 27, 2016 (See Github)
This would live better as a bug against the Media Capture and Streams spec. Asking for TAG review for a modification of an open WG's spec is .... kind of unusual, I think.
Comment by @chenqiang1986 Sep 27, 2016 (See Github)
Wrong place. Thanks.
OpenedSep 27, 2016
We want to add a constraint googDisableLocalEcho in the audio part of getUserMedia call. It only works with audio capturing (either from the whole system or a tab). If set googDisableLocalEcho:true, then we are going to mute the local playback of the audio being shared.
For example, if one wants to share a tab, and specifies getUserMedia({video:..., audio:{mandatory:{sourceId:<some id>, googDisableLocalEcho:true}}}) Then during the sharing of the tab, the tab is muted on the sender's side. Otherwise the shared tab is still playing out on the sender's side.