I'm requesting a TAG review of WebGPU Compatibility Mode.
WebGPU Compatibility Mode is an opt-in, lightly restricted subset of WebGPU capable of running older graphics APIs such as OpenGL and Direct3D11. The goal is to expand the reach of WebGPU applications to older devices that do not have the modern, explicit graphics APIs that core WebGPU requires. This requires Compatibility Mode to prohibit the use of some WebGPU features that the older APIs do not support.
Security and Privacy self-review²: https://gpuweb.github.io/gpuweb/explainer/#questionnaire (Note that this is the self-review as filed for WebGPU Core, since Compatibility Mode is a lightly-restricted subset and does not introduce any accessibility, security, or privacy issues over and above those introduced by WebGPU)
Although there is not currently an entry for Compatibility Mode in the standards positions repos, WebGPU Compatibility Mode was discussed and approved by Google, Apple and Mozilla in the GPU for the Web Working Group, and has the same support as WebGPU Core. Each of the commits to the compatibility-mode propsal above was approved by a working group member from each of those three organizations, and any disagreements were resolved prior to landing in Working Group meetings.
OpenedMar 4, 2025
Hola, TAG!
I'm requesting a TAG review of WebGPU Compatibility Mode.
WebGPU Compatibility Mode is an opt-in, lightly restricted subset of WebGPU capable of running older graphics APIs such as OpenGL and Direct3D11. The goal is to expand the reach of WebGPU applications to older devices that do not have the modern, explicit graphics APIs that core WebGPU requires. This requires Compatibility Mode to prohibit the use of some WebGPU features that the older APIs do not support.
Further details: