#142: Review request for Scroll Anchoring

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Opened Oct 25, 2016

Spec: https://cdn.rawgit.com/WICG/interventions/master/scroll-anchoring/spec.html

Abstract: Changes in DOM elements above the visible region of a scroller can result in the page moving while the user is in the middle of consuming the content.

This spec proposes a mechanism to mitigate this jarring user experience by keeping track of the position of an anchor node and adjusting the scroll offset accordingly.

This spec also proposes an API for web developers to opt-out of this behavior.

Context: we've reached a point where we are confident in our design and have run out of known web compatibility issues. The next logical step would be to try shipping this, listen for feedback and iterate if needed. We would like to request a TAG review for the spec. The current timeframe we are aiming for is: Chrome 56 (branch cut: Nov 17th, 2016).

Thanks in advance.
