#638: HTTP 103 Early Hints
Comment by @torgo May 19, 2021 (See Github)
Hi! Quick request - can you please move the explainer over to a markdown file somewhere at a stable URL (e.g. somewhere on GitHub)?
Comment by @bashi May 20, 2021 (See Github)
Sure, I put the explainer at https://github.com/bashi/early-hints-explainer/blob/main/explainer.md
Updated the above link too.
Jul 1, 2021 (See Github)
Yves: they need validation before implementing. This is an IETF document... it's been reviewed... So sure go ahead.
Comment by @torgo Jul 26, 2021 (See Github)
We discussed today and agreed that as this is about implementation of an already reviewed IETF spec that we are happy with this. Thanks!
OpenedMay 19, 2021
I'm requesting a TAG review of HTTP 103 Early Hints.
Further details:
You should also know that...
We'd prefer the TAG provide feedback as (please delete all but the desired option):
💬 leave review feedback as a comment in this issue and @-notify @bashi