#218: Media Capabilities
Sangwhan: travis had something on the naming - 2 properties returned - smooth and power efficient - frame rates- fractional nuumbers delivered as strings - they are reconsidering as 2 integers.
Alex: why not floats?
Sangwhan: they said floats dont cut it. but it's being reconsidered from strings.
Bumped to next week
Kenneth: comment 21 days ago that they updated the PR but we haven't followed up.
Travis: I'm skeptical of how useful this is going to be in practice. A UA might be able to tell you whether it could play smoothly or be battery efficient but there are a lot of factors...
Hadley: re battery efficiency -- could be important for older devices and developing/less wealthy countries.
Alex: this is one of those trade-offs where it's highly invested eng teams vs the common case. Big media companies would need this.
Kenneth: but it is bad for the user if you're draining their battery - bad for the web. This seems like something we need to have but is it done the right way? Could be especially useful for VR media...
Dan: is this in fact useful in other domains besides high volume video? Maybe get feedback from VR people?
Alex: there might be some but [it's a different medium]... Potential benefits might be different. we could ask them if they are paying attention to power at all.
Dan: XR folks will be requesting a review soon so..
Kenneth: what about amazon / hulu / netflix? Also BBC.
Dan: we could reach out to talk to Mark... (AC rep for netflix).
Kenneth: we could get feedback from 2nd screen working group....
Alex: And Web & TV folks
Yves to work w3c contacts.
Kenneth: let's get feedback and from that feedback we figure out what we do
Dan: What shall we do with this?
Yves: There is a discussion on Second Screen, also talked to dom about getting feedback from WebRTC as well.
Dan: Maybe should bump to next week? Give Sangwhan and Travis time to look it over.
OpenedNov 14, 2017
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