#906: Extending Storage Access API (SAA) to non-cookie storage
Nov 1, 2023 (See Github)
Dan: Not sure I understand Motivation since it's saying devs will use [3rd party?] cookies but in the intro it says 3rd party cookies are being deprecated.
Yves: they imply that there is a mechanism to request accesss to stored cookies... To me if you have a shared storage like that then it's quite dangerous.
Dan: reviews what we said about storage access api Let's take it as read that Storage Access doesn't open the door to reinventing 3p cookies.
Yves: it's already there in the previous proposal... Anne / webkit has an issue with this one though https://github.com/WebKit/standards-positions/issues/262#issuecomment-1743104792
Dan: we could ask how they are going to respond to Anne's comment.
Yves: they mean using cookies as a storage mechanism that they can access through the storage api - and those can be 3rd parties... they just want to extend that to plain storage and not using cookies as a storage access mechanism...
Dan: in which case - i'm not sure I understand Anne's issue... what are the additional privacy & security concerns that they feel are unresolved?
Max: what they are trying to say is that this proposal don't introduce more security issues than using cookies...
Dan: it's clear the proposers think that. But webkit people seem to disagree.
Sangwhan: ...trying to untangle... I don't think it's a security & privacy concern..
Yves: i think it's an API issue...
Sangwhan: doesn't seem like a disagreement on the developer / user need. More the shape of the API...
Dan: feedback we could offer?
Sangwhan: only part where we could weigh in is .. is where the storagebucket API is considered a wrapper... to enable to enable (gate) storageaccess in different ways. that's an API philosophy issue and maybe an architectural issue. That's where the lack of consensus sits. I'd have to think about it... Really the question is - you have to look at 2 places to access the storage in different ways - maybe that's not a good thing.
...We could respond: we would have to think about the implications of the pattern - there's a pattern to be defined here regarding gating storage access... we could weigh in. if we suggest going down the sotagebucket route that would have worse ergonimics... supposed to be used to have more deterministic behavour under pressure... but it does have the right kind of abstratcions - but as of today i don't think its the right tool ... I can see both sides.
<blockquote> Hi @archiv - thanks for this - we appreciate the cross-implementer consensus that seems to be developing around the user needs of this feature. We understand the user need and appreciate the effort to not add any additional security or privacy issues. We've been discussing the "API shape" issue in today's breakout. We're going to discuss further in our plenary call and we hope to leave further feedback. </blockquote>
Nov 1, 2023 (See Github)
Dan: can we provide some guidance to the spec authors here?
bumped 2 weeks
Comment by @torgo Nov 14, 2023 (See Github)
Hi @archiv - thanks for this - we appreciate the cross-implementer consensus that seems to be developing around the user needs of this feature. We understand the user need and appreciate the effort to not add any additional security or privacy issues. We've been discussing the "API shape" issue in today's breakout. We're going to discuss further in our plenary call and we hope to leave further feedback.
Comment by @arichiv Nov 14, 2023 (See Github)
Thanks! The shape implemented for the chrome OT is here: https://github.com/privacycg/saa-non-cookie-storage/blob/main/idl.md
Dec 1, 2023 (See Github)
Amy: was this waiting on Sangwhan to comment on API shape?
Amy: concerned about the wording in Privacy & Security section - "we believe non-cookie storage and communication APIs don’t enable any capability that could not be built with cookie access." Comparing against status quo instead of comparing against web without 3p cookies...
bump to plenary
Comment by @torgo Dec 19, 2023 (See Github)
Hi @arichiv - can you clarify where this work is being done? If it's being done in privacy CG, is there a plan to move the work to the Privacy CG repo instead of a personal repo?
Comment by @arichiv Dec 19, 2023 (See Github)
There is a plan to move it to the Privacy CG repo, we have been waiting on feedback from WebKit and Mozilla as well as initial feedback from the origin trial that just went live: https://developer.chrome.com/blog/saa-non-cookie-storage
Jan 1, 2024 (See Github)
Sangwhan: ... distilling a pattern ... the API shape seems to be fine... looking back... this is more of a design pattern ... we don't havea a princple... if this ships as is then this becomes a pattern....
Dan: what's the pattern?
Sangwhan: based on the webkit comment ... https://github.com/privacycg/storage-access/issues/102 "Don't re-invent access control and follow a similar pattern if you want to introduce access control..." We could let this go an distill the pattern out ... into a principle later down the road...
Dan: propose closing this "satisfied" with the following comment:
<blockquote>@archiv thanks again for sending this our way. We're happy with the way this is proceeding. We're happy with the use cases and API shape. And we're pleased to see the multi-implementer consensus taking shape.
</blockquote>Sangwhan: +1
no dissenters
closed as satisfied
Comment by @torgo Jan 9, 2024 (See Github)
Hi @archiv thanks again for sending this our way. We're happy with the way this is proceeding. We're happy with the use cases and API shape. And we're pleased to see the multi-implementer consensus taking shape.
Comment by @arichiv Jan 17, 2024 (See Github)
Two additional explainers (each of which is an extension to Storage Access API (SAA) to non-cookie storage) have been published!
Explainer: Extending Storage Access API (SAA) to omit unpartitioned cookies The current Storage Access API requires that unpartitioned cookie access is granted if any unpartitioned storage access is needed. This forces unpartitioned cookies to be included in network requests which may not need them, having impacts on network performance and security. Before the extension ships, we have a chance to fix this behavior without a compatibility break.
Explainer: Extending Storage Access API (SAA) to Shared Workers There has been increasing developer and implementer interest in first-party workers being available in third-party contexts the same way that third-party cookies already can be. In the absence of such a solution, we leave developers without a robust way to manage cross-tab state for frames loading the same origin. This explainer proposes a solution for developers to regain third-party access to Shared Workers in select instances to avoid user-facing breakage in browsers shipping storage partitioning.
Would it be possible to get review on this issue of those as well?
OpenedOct 2, 2023
こんにちは TAG-さん!
I'm requesting a TAG review of Extending Storage Access API (SAA) to non-cookie storage.
We propose an extension of the Storage Access API (backwards compatible) to allow access to unpartitioned (cookie and non-cookie) storage in a third-party context, and imagine the API mechanics to be roughly like this (JS running in an embedded iframe):
// Request a new storage handle via rSA (this should prompt the user) let handle = await document.requestStorageAccess({all: true}); // Write some cross-site localstorage handle.localStorage.setItem("userid", "1234"); // Open or create an indexedDB that is shared with the 1P context let messageDB = handle.defaultBucket.indexedDB.open("messages");
The same flow would be used by iframes to get a storage handle when their top-level ancestor successfully called rSAFor, just that in this case the storage-access permission was already granted and thus the rSA call would not require a user gesture or show a prompt, allowing for “hidden” iframes accessing storage.
Further details:
You should also know that...
There has been increasing developer and implementer interest in first-party DOM Storage and Quota Managed Storage being available in third-party contexts the same way that Cookies already can be. In the absence of such a solution, we would in effect be pushing developers to migrate to Cookies from other storage mechanisms. There are significant tradeoffs between Cookie and non-Cookie storage (size, flexibility, server exposure, network request size, etc.) that could cause a detriment in user experience from a privacy, security and performance perspective. To prevent sub-optimal use of cookies and to preserve context, we propose a solution for developers to regain 3p access to unpartitioned storage in select instances to avoid user-facing breakage in browsers shipping storage partitioning.
We'd prefer the TAG provide feedback as (please delete all but the desired option): 💬 leave review feedback as a comment in this issue and @-notify @arichiv