#1: Web Animations 1.0
#2: Compositing and Blending Level 1
#3: Web Crypto API
#4: HTTP 2.0
#5: Web Audio review/feedback
#6: Push API
#7: The Screen Orientation API
#8: Network Service Discovery
#13: Web Components
#14: WebRTC
#15: JSON Feedback
#16: Custom Elements
#17: Nottingham Get Off My Lawn RFC
#19: Web MIDI
#20: CSS Font Loading
#21: Quota Management API
#23: Beacon
#26: Shadow DOM
#28: WebRTC Identity Provider Selection
#30: Manifest spec
#31: Fullscreen
#32: Wake lock
#33: Screen orientation
#37: http-problem
#40: JSON Form Submission
#41: CSS Variables
#43: Subresource Integrity
#45: permissions API
#47: Revise CSS regions draft based on outcome of 19-March discussion
#63: Extensibility of Accessibility
#76: "With Credentials" flag possibly inconsistent with web architecture
#78: Create a "advice for spec authors" page
#85: Storage persistence
#86: Network Information API
#99: HTTP 451 Status
#100: Create a document to explain web platform async timing entry-points
#104: IntersectionObserver
#114: First Party Cookies
#135: Data on the Web Best Practices
#137: Disable Local Playback During Audio Sharing
#142: Review request for Scroll Anchoring
#143: Example of usage for sittingToStandingTransform?
#144: Review OffscreenCanvas
#147: IFrame support in web payments
#152: Web Payments Working Group Specifications
#153: IndexedDB 2.0 features review
#154: allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation
#156: Review ARIA in HTML specification (prior to CR transition)
#158: Android payment app manifest
#160: Request for TAG review of Input Events level 1
#164: ReadableStream pipeTo() and pipeThrough()
#166: Navigation Preload for Service Worker
#170: Web Share API
#172: ViewportAPI naming Re-review
#184: Review request for Push API
#191: Add request for links to WPT tests in issue template
#198: Trusted Types
#200: JavaScript module import()
#201: ads.txt
#202: Request for review: Preload
#204: saveData attribute in Network Information API
#206: `Accept-CH` header is weird
#210: Consider general storage observer that works for cookies
#217: Web Locks API
#218: Media Capabilities
#226: Picture-in-Picture (PiP)
#227: Web Components Guidelines Doc?
#238: Keyboard Map
#240: The web platform needs a service discovery mechanism
#242: HTML General Review: HTML Document and Elements
#243: HTML General Review: Structured Serialize/Deserialize
#246: HTML General Review: HTML Styling
#247: HTML General Review: HTML Lists
#254: HTML General Review: HTML Input
#256: HTML General Review: HTML User Interaction
#258: HTML General Review: HTML Scripting
#259: HTML General Review: HTML Templates
#263: HTML General Review: App Cache
#264: HTML General Review: HTML Utilities
#265: HTML General Review: HTML Parsing
#266: HTML General Review: HTML Timers and Timeslicing
#267: HTML General Review: Server-Sent Events
#269: HTML General Review: Cross-Document Messaging
#270: HTML General Review: Web Workers
#271: HTML General Review: Web Storage
#272: HTML General Review: XML Infrastructure
#273: HTML General Review: HTML Obsolete Features
#275: Request TAG review of HTML5.3
#282: TextEncoderStream and TextDecoderStream
#291: TAG review request of the CSP feature 'unsafe-hashes'
#297: HTTP State Tokens
#303: RTCQuicTransport
#304: RTCIceTransport
#315: Wide gamut support for Canvas/OffscreenCanvas/ImageBitmap
#337: Contact API
#341: Permissions policy (formerly feature policy) evolution
#343: Verifiable Credentials Data Model 1.0
#345: Audiobooks
#349: CSS Animation Worklet API
#350: Async Clipboard - image/delayed content
#352: Subresource prefetching+loading via Signed HTTP Exchange
#363: Add simpler reading methods to Blob interface.
#365: Storage Quota Usage Details
#370: WebHID API (Human Interface Device)
#372: Launch Events
#373: `SameSite=Lax` by default.
#374: Picture-in-Picture for arbitary content
#377: WebAssembly integration with ECMAScript modules
#378: Largest Contentful Paint
#380: Ability to customize virtual keyboard via enterkeyhint
#382: test issue
#384: A toggle switch control element
#388: Contact Picker API
#389: WebTransport
#394: WebSocketStream
#395: Element Timing API for text
#402: @property
#406: Raw Clipboard Access API
#411: Marking tracking vectors
#412: Wide review request: the HTML Standard Review Draft
#414: Trust Token API
#419: Storage Corruption Review explainer
#420: Mixed content level 2
#421: Design questions around pay-for-what-you-use
#425: [Payments] shipping and contact info delegation
#429: HTMLVideoElement.requestVideoFrameCallback()
#430: WebXR Gamepads Module
#431: Serial API
#438: MathML Core
#442: Browser-assisted performance ablation studies
#444: [Meta] Issue templates should ask for the organization / project on behalf of which the spec work is being done
#445: [Meta] Issue template should prominently ask for the intended target venue
#448: HTML horizontal review: Subresources and Navigation
#449: HTML horizontal review: Form controls
#450: HTML horizontal review: Agent clusters
#451: HTML horizontal review: Security
#453: HTML horizontal review: The Event Loop
#454: HTML horizontal review: Canvas
#455: HTML horizontal review: XML
#456: HTML horizontal review: CSS
#457: HTML horizontal review: Scripting
#458: HTML horizontal review: Web Components
#459: HTML horizontal review: Accessibility
#460: HTML horizontal review: Modules
#465: WebRTC DSCP Control API
#466: Curve25519 in Web Cryptography
#468: Review the HTML spec's treatment of focus
#470: WebXR DOM Overlay Module
#476: Personalization Semantics Explainer and Module 1
#479: WebXR Anchors Module
#481: Window Controls Overlay for Installed Desktop Web Apps
#482: URL Protocol Handler Registration for PWAs
#493: Data for measuring audio-video synchronization and end-to-end delay in realtime communications
#495: AVIF Decode
#496: Content Indexing API
#506: Does Shortcuts need a design review?
#509: Navigation to Unsigned Web Bundles (Web Packaging)
#512: making the "total" field optional in PaymentRequest API
#513: CSS advanced attr() function
#515: CSS page-orientation descriptor
#521: Scroll-linked Animations
#522: Multi-screen Window Placement features
#523: MiniApp Lifecycle
#525: Overall review of features which enable/disable subframe or subresource capabilities
#529: Geolocation API
#534: VisibilityStateEntry
#538: Referrer handling - default policy and capping
#541: jxl Content-Encoding
#543: Screen Wake Lock API
#548: Direct Sockets API
#552: PWAs as URL Handlers
#556: Review Request - Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v1.0
#569: Adding AbortSignal option to addEventListener
#573: DOM Review Draft — Published 15 June 2020
#590: Dropper color space
#609: Early TAG design review for captureTab
#625: API for display-capturing the current tab
#634: Pre CR review request of CSS Multi-column layout Level 1
#638: HTTP 103 Early Hints
#639: Anonymous iframes
#640: User-Agent Client Hints & UA Reduction
#645: Capture Handle Identity
#650: Distributed Tracing WG: Baggage specification
#654: Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State (CHIPS)
#656: MSE-in-Workers
#657: Pre-CR review: HTML Review Draft — Published 18 January 2021
#658: Pre-CR review: DOM Review Draft — Published 21 June 2021
#665: review request, CSS Masking and Clipping
#668: Add `id` member to web application manifest spec
#669: WebTransport review request
#673: CSS Display Level 3
#676: renderPriority element attribute
#677: Auto-expanding details elements
#678: Pre-CR review of CSS Cascading and Inheritance Level 5
#685: Feature policy for Keyboard API
#687: WebAuthn minPinLength
#689: Viewport Segments Property
#691: "FYI" Review of new window.open() behavior
#696: Dark mode support for web apps
#697: Review Request for adding video- prefixed media features
#703: HIDDevice forget()
#707: [mediaqueries-4] Range contexts
#713: Review request for Confirmation of Action API
#717: Navigation API (formerly app history API)
#718: FedCM (was WebID)
#722: Early design review: Subresource loading with Web Bundles (request for resuming #616)
#726: Early design review for the Topics API
#731: Review request for CSS Variables
#734: Element.checkVisibility review
#735: Review request for Fenced Frames
#738: early design review: Permissions-Policy: unload
#742: COEP reflection
#743: The Popover API (previously Popup)
#745: Site-initiated mirroring
#749: FYI review of Writable directory prompts for the File System Access API
#751: Private Network Access (aka CORS-RFC1918) permission to relax mixed content
#752: MiniApp Manifest
#753: Review request on Render Blocking Status in Resource Timing
#754: Fetch streaming upload
#756: ContentVisibilityAutoStateChanged event
#760: COOP: restrict-properties early review
#762: MiniApp Packaging
#765: Wildcards in Permissions Policy Origins
#766: Output Device Selection in Web Audio API: AudioContext.setSinkId()
#767: Multi-Screen Window Placement on the Web - Initiating Multi-Screen Experiences
#769: Delta review (to CR) of WebXR Augmented Reality Module
#770: Delta review (to CR) of WebXR Gamepads Module
#773: FileSystemHandle.remove() for the File System Access API
#774: updated URI syntax for IPv6 link-local zone identifiers
#776: Early Design Review: Pending Beacon API
#778: TPD
#780: Private State Tokens (formerly Trust Tokens)
#781: CSS Values and Units Level 4
#782: WebXR Device API XRSession::enabledFeatures attribute (CR Delta)
#789: UI Events Keyboard Events Key Values review request
#790: UI Events Keyboard Events Code Values review request
#794: How should web standards use the new JavaScript Symbol.dispose protocol?
#795: Compute Pressure Specification Review
#801: baseline-source
#802: Two changes to Secure Payment Confirmation prior to CR
#805: Moving local files with the File System Access API
#806: WebAuthn PRF extension
#807: Storage Access API
#809: WebAssembly JavaScript Promise Integration API
#827: Early design review: scheduler.yield()
#829: Entry and Exit Animations
#830: Web Bluetooth exclusionFilters option in requestDevice()
#832: TAG review of the proposal to use the RegExp `v` flag instead of `u` for the HTML `pattern` attribute
#834: Detect UA Transitions on Same-Document Navigations
#835: Disabling UA transitions for same-document navigations
#836: WebRTC Codec selection API
#837: WebRTC-SVC (Scalable Video Coding)
#838: Specification review for fenced frames
#843: Web Audio API: RenderCapacity API
#845: Multiple Readers and Writers in File System Access API
#848: Specification review for CSS Anchor Positioning
#851: Cross-document View Transitions API
#852: Borderless mode
#854: Bluetooth RFCOMM in Web Serial API
#856: API for capturing all screens
#867: navigateEvent.sourceElement
#870: oi
#872: Captured Mouse Events
#873: Portable Network Graphics (PNG), Third Edition.
#875: TAG review for web app `scope_extensions`
#876: content-visibility: auto forces contain-intrinsic-size: auto
#886: Document Render-Blocking
#888: Web Install API - Same Origin
#895: Web Audio API: User-Selectable Render Quantum Size
#900: HTMLSelectElement showPicker()
#906: Extending Storage Access API (SAA) to non-cookie storage
#908: View Transitions: list of types
#913: CSS Spelling and Grammar Customization
#916: Early Design Review: Opener Protections
#917: Adding support for High Dynamic Range (HDR) imagery to HTML Canvas
#919: TAG spec review of Storage Access Heuristics
#921: Navigation Activation Info
#924: New attribute to control UA-provided writing assistance
#927: WAI-ARIA 1.3 FPWD
#934: Gamepad Trigger Rumble Extension
#949: document.caretPositionFromPoint API in shadow DOM scenario
#950: Web Audio API: Add error reporting via AudioContext.onerror
#955: CSS calc-size() function
#959: Requesting review of HTML Ruby Markup Extensions
#972: D
#976: DOM state-preserving move
#977: Accessibility conformance Testing (ACT) Rules Format 1.1
#978: CSS reading-flow property
#982: Early design review: Storage Access Headers
#991: Writing Assistance APIs
#993: TAG Review for CSS Values & Units Level 5
#995: Document-Isolation-Policy
#996: Web Authentication's PublicKeyCredential signal methods
#997: [HTML] Canvas place element
#1002: Review for CR transition of WebAssembly specifications for version 2.0 features
#1006: EPUB 3.3 Recommendation with Candidate Corrections 2024-10-17 > 2024-12-19
#1008: Vision for W3C: request horizontal architectural review and wide TAG review
#1013: Paint/presentation timestamps in performance APIs
#1015: Payment link type in HTML
#1017: ClipboardChange event API
#1020: CSP report-hash keyword
#1021: CSS Inline `text-box`, `text-box-trim`, and `text-box-edge` properties
#1028: هلا
#1030: [HTML] 2D canvas floating point support
#1031: Custom Functions (@function)
#1034: Container Timing API
#1036: [HTML] Fix divergence of CanvasRenderingContext2D and Offscreen with CanvasSettings
#1037: CSS Overflow Navigation Controls
#1040: Navigation API deferred commit
#1047: Early Design Review: Related Website Partition API
#1048: `require-sri-for` CSP directive
#1049: WebRTC Encoded Transform Timestamps
#1050: Permissions Policy reports for iframes
#1052: Early Design Review for Device Bound Session Credentials
#1053: CSS Scroll Markers
#1054: CSS Scroll Buttons
#1055: CSS inert
#1056: CSS Stylable Columns
#31: Fullscreen
Visit on Github.
Jul 21, 2014
Comment by @mnot
Sep 30, 2014
See Github
Discussed in London F2F; can close.
OpenedJul 21, 2014