#548: Direct Sockets API
Dan: ... Already a good comment from Lukasz...
[...some skepticism from TAG members...]
Also pending external feedback (we sent them a bunch of feedback on this in September.) But it's possible they didn't see it because they requested that we open issues in their repo. Peter filed our feedback from September there so they don't miss it.
OpenedAug 19, 2020
Saluton TAG!
I'm requesting a TAG review of Direct Sockets API (renamed from Raw Sockets API).
The API's motivation is to support creating a web app that talks to servers and devices that have their own protocols incompatible with what’s available on the web. The web app will be able to talk to a legacy system over TCP or UDP, without requiring users to change or replace that system.
Further details:
We'd prefer the TAG provide feedback as: 🐛 open issues in our GitHub repo for each point of feedback