#770: Delta review (to CR) of WebXR Gamepads Module
Dan: less certain on this one as list of changes seems similarly small but Tess might have more opinions.
Rossen: in their explainer - they allow you to map gamepad behaviour to other sources such as occulus touch, daydream, etc... which is good. the thing that's interesting: the gamepad instance must not be included... ID must be entry string, etc...
Peter: one of their changes - they're allowing it even if there is no xr session.. if they're gonna do it then it seems odd to exclude it from the regular list of gamepads... So seems a little thought needs to go into it.
Dan: so they are positioning this as an alternative to the gamepad API?
Peter: sort of, yea....
Dan leaves 2 comments - marked pending feedback
Dan: Rick has said that the intent is to clarify a gampad can be exposed through regular api and webxr at the same time... I don't think they've really addressed the issue.
Yves: was okay minus this issue with negative index [??] - they need to fix that
Dan: about this particular thing, the webxr gamepad, their list of changes is small. I feel we need to set this to proposed closed. I don't think we can close without tess. Can we close at plenary?
Yves: I don't think there is something more as a delta
OpenedSep 7, 2022
Wotcher TAG!
I'm requesting a TAG review of WebXR Gamepads Module.
This specification module describes support for accessing button, trigger, thumbstick, and touchpad data associated with virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) devices on the Web.
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