#134: Review Accessibility Object Model
Sangwhan: We should have sent and email to Alice about this, which we didn't.
Travis: Alice I believe is in .au so might be good to try having her dial in during the Tokyo F2F.
Sangwhan: +1
ACTION: Sangwhan to set reminder and follow-up.
@sangwhan: Was lazy and forgot to send reminder mail. Just sent one, will try to setup a separate call in sensible hours between ACT, JST, and PST.
@torgo: Reach out to her to invite her to remotely participate in F2F
@sangwhan: I will do that
Sangwhan: Haven't looked for bit... I think should be able to look quickly and have something to revisit next week
Dan: It seems that we can close this and wait for next stage, waiting for Travis' input before doing so
OpenedAug 31, 2016
See: https://a11y-api.github.io/a11y-api/spec/