#333: Web Bluetooth Scanning
Dan: Heard good feedback at TPAC, asked about it in issue and author didn't know about the feedback
Dan: No feedback. I suggest we close this and ask them to re-open when they want to come back into our agenda.
Dan: I will write feedback and close this unsatisfied
OpenedDec 17, 2018
I'm requesting a TAG review of:
Name: Web Bluetooth Scanning
Specification URL: https://webbluetoothcg.github.io/web-bluetooth/scanning.html
Explainer: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N_zWN10qqCsut2-i3JBhTxgV6lgASu7WoslEtm-vyms/edit?usp=sharing
Tests: wpt/bluetooth/requestLEScan
Primary contacts: dougt
Privacy & Security review: in explainer
[ X] leave review feedback as a comment in this issue and @-notify dougt