#853: HTTPS Upgrades
Yves: I wrote a commnent here... On local network you might not have https enabled devices - or https enabled sevrers that answer something different with http... in that case it's likely that you don't want to upgrade... They said they will use what's defined in "private network access"... I proposed a way signal a http response request that you can have on a server to signal "the http content is different"... it's not a downgrade. Otherwise, yes - everything that allows more more https is great...
Peter: I agree with your suggestion on a header - it would not cause someone who connects on https to drop to http - but it would block an automatic upgrade - makses sense.
Dan: such a header is defined?
Peter / Yves: no
Yves: they would run this feedback by the http working group in any case.
Peter: downside of such a header - running different content on http / https is an anti-pattern - we don't want to encourage it - but it exists...
Dan: devices that are not going to get upgraded...
Peter: right - and won't get this header therefore...
Yves: I think we can close now - we expressed a view - we expressed feedback - please run this by ieft working group. Etc...
Dan: close / satisfied
Yves: will leave feedback
OpenedJun 7, 2023
こんにちは TAG-さん!
I'm requesting a TAG review of HTTPS Upgrades.
Browsers may still make insecure HTTP requests to HTTPS-enabled sites, unnecessarily exposing data over unencrypted connections. Some browsers ship with lists of sites that are known to support HTTPS, beyond those already in the HSTS preload list. Maintaining such a list is opaque, as it requires web crawler data, and error prone, as it will necessarily be out of date by the time it is shipped to users. It can also be bandwidth intensive, containing thousands or millions of sites that need to be updated. HTTPS Upgrades proposes that the browser should automatically and optimistically upgrade all main-frame HTTP navigations to HTTPS, with fast fallback to HTTP.
Further details:
You should also know that...
This feature is implemented and can be tested in Chrome Canary/Dev/Beta by enabling chrome://flags#https-upgrades. It uses the same underlying code as Chrome's "HTTPS-First Mode" which can be enabled in chrome://settings/security by toggling the "Always use secure connections" setting.
We'd prefer the TAG provide feedback as:
💬 leave review feedback as a comment in this issue and @-notify @christhompson and @dadrian