#865: WebUSB exclusionFilters option in requestDevice()
Jul 1, 2023 (See Github)
Sangwhan: This is one line of code - you set a filter "i want all the USB devices by this vendor... " - there's nothing to remove stuff - this functionality lets you do it. "All the google devices that are pixel phones" - looking for a specific port... Doesn't cause harm. Actually helpful. Convenience feature...
Dan: previous concerns to do with interoperability and multistakeholder support, because there's lack of multistakeholder support for webusb. The best we can do on a webusb extension/change is satisfied with concerns. The one thing I find worrying is that they haven't really put together an explainer, just a github comment on the wicg thread, it's already merged. Agree with what you're saying and having worked with webusb I get what this is doing and it would be useful. Would have been nice if there was an explainer with the use cases. Is it worth asking for this?
Sangwhan: need a lightweight explainer template for them of some form... bullet point list of bare minimum to proceed
[discussion of explainer template for small deltas]
Dan: I would say this is:
- user needs
- brief explanation of what the delta is
- ...
Amy: can work on a "small delta" explainer template
Sangwhan: expectation that TAG is expert in many things...
closed satistifed-with-concerns
Comment by @torgo Aug 1, 2023 (See Github)
We're happy to close this. WebUSB itself has a lack of multi-stakeholder support and this remains a concern of the TAG. However, putting that to the side, the proposed change is clearly an improvement. For future reference, we would appreciate an explainer – even an abbreviated one – rather than just a link to an issue comment for items like this.
OpenedJun 22, 2023
こんにちは TAG-さん!
I'm requesting a TAG review of WebUSB exclusionFilters option in requestDevice() as suggested by Blink API owners.
The "exclusionFilters" option in navigator.usb.requestDevice() allows web developers to exclude some devices from the browser picker. It can be used to exclude devices that match a broader filter but are unsupported.
Further details:
You should also know that this issue is an FYI as we value TAG folks's time.
We'd prefer the TAG provide feedback as (please delete all but the desired option):
💬 leave review feedback as a comment in this issue and @-notify @beaufortfrancois