#576: Media Source Extensions for WebCodecs
Looked at, no comments, seems reasonable, bumping to next week for Sangwhan's input.
Sangwhan: Use case makes sense. Propose close, but want Tess to take a look at the plenary
Sangwhan: I think we LGTM'd this
Dan: it says resolution satisfied, but the last comment by Sangwhan was asking a question, wiht a reply, and no followup response. And it's not closed.
Sangwhan: we looked during f2f. [reads] The final verdict was we have questions and concerns but not a strong preference for either. There are two options for doing this, one is obviosuly doing domain specific promises and generic promises.. if they can't sketch otu the time to do byte based promises we shouldn't block that work, it's a big chunk they need to do and enforcing that is not fair. It was a question about what would be the path forward given these two options. They answered, I'm going through the comments. Bottom line is: it's fine.
Dan: we should close it
Sangwhan: doing it
OpenedNov 23, 2020
I'm requesting a TAG review of Media Source Extensions for WebCodecs.
The Media Source Extensions API (MSE) requires applications to provide fragments of containerized media (such as fragmented MP4, WebM, or MP3) to be able to buffer and play that media. If the application already has the media in a parsed and structured form, it can cost extra latency and code complexity to package that media into a container and feed it to MSE. As the web platform is evolving to give applications lower-level abstractions for efficiently encoding and decoding media via the WebCodecs API, MSE can use WebCodec's media structures to let applications more efficiently feed their media to MSE. We propose additional MSE methods to provide web authors easy ability to buffer "containerless" media as an alternative to existing MSE methods that required containerized, "muxed" media.
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💬 leave review feedback as a comment in this issue and @-notify @wolenetz