#971: Vibration API
[mt] Initial thoughts after reviewing the specification... There are a few problems that seem fairly evident to me:
The specification relies on sticky activation, which is true if the user has ever interacted with a page. That makes this less about interactive feedback (as you might get with a gamepad) and more like a notification. That is more the case when you consider that there is nothing preventing a background window/tab from engaging the API. If the intent of the API is to act like a notification, then the notification API is more appropriate. Requiring transient activation would seem to be more in line with expectations and be less likely to annoy. If the goal is to enable notifications, which seems to be one of the main use cases, then adding vibration capabilities to the notifications API might be better.
The privacy/security considerations don't consider annoyance as a major factor. This was part of why this was disabled. That might be partly mitigated by a transient activation requirement, which puts vibration much closer to playing audio. That seems like a good fit to me. Browsers have a bunch of ways of managing annoyance from unwanted noises. Reusing those techniques for vibration might make it less objectionable overall.
If activating vibration is observable cross-origin, perhaps the right thing to do is suppress things like accelerometer events for the duration of a shake.
I seem to recall that gamepads have different vibration strengths and frequencies. Why is this not a consideration here?
Martin: the primary privacy concern is annoyance. It's not too dissimilar from sound being annoying. If we were able to have a similar sort of approach to playing of sounds then that would be fine. Sounds relies with activation. I don't think that's appropriate for vibration.
Dan: what's the current spec say about permission requests?
Martin: current spec says nothing. It says the UA should inform the user when it's being used. I think that's garbage.
Dan: I kind of agree. Vibrations are interruptive.
Martin: notifications - have a notifications API. If you want to provide haptic feedback like in a form, then activation is appropriate. I would turn the feature off, but...
Yves: I think it's restricted to when screen is on.
Martin: ah... it's only available for foreground...
Dan: it should only be the active tab...
Martin: yes - it's only if it's in the foreground and visible.
Dan: then "activation" seems sufficient.
Martin: transient or sticky... Sticky is if you interact with the web site it stays ... you've interacted. Transient is .. you've touched the screen or hit a key and it's active for some short period of time.
discussion of transient vs. sticky
Martin: currently specified as sticky...
Dan: let's ask them to justify that...
Matthew: do UAs that support this offer an option to disable it?
Martin: no idea.. only implementation is chrome... Spec says "SHOULD" provide a mechanism to disable...
Matthew: every OS has a volume control on it... but maybe not similar controls for a vibration...
Martin: privacy principle on abusive behaviour... or notifications and interruptions
Martin: if you vibrate a device and another webpage has access to the accelerometer it can send coded messages. Require that the browser turns off the accelerometer while activiting vibration. I believe it's a physical requirement anyway.
Martin: satisfied with concerns?
Matthew: how strongly do we feel about sticky and turning it off?
Martin: it's a MUST. But does it make the whole api a bad idea?
Matthew: if our concerns were addressed we'd be satisfied. Then I agree.
Max: use case with two browsers active at the same time - and both use the api - what happens since the hardware only has one device? Does the API consider this situation? What's the user experience?
Martin: if you have two visible tabs on the device, if one requests vibration and the other one requests, it should just vibrate as much as both of them combined, the union of the two. I don't think that's necessarily problematic. If the patterns interact it'll just be solid vibration..
<blockquote> We're concerned about the abuse of this API to divert attention in inappropriate situations. We note that you're specifying sticky activation. Are there use cases that support this - rather than transient activation?For the difference in activation types, we think that sticky activation might not be a good justification for the notification-style use case. If someone isn't engaging with the site, having it vibrate could be annoying. If the goal is to generate a notification, the notification API seems like a much better fit for that. At least with notifications, people are in control of how they are notified (sound, visual, vibration, or combinations).
There is a good analogy between this and audio, in that both might be engaged in a similar way and disabled with similar controls. However, have you considered adding a stronger normative requirement that UAs should be able to turn it off? It's not as easy to turn off a vibration with physical controls as it is with sound.
Security/privacy considerations don't treat annoyance as a problem. Interruptions is a privacy issue you should consider addressing. We like that the vibrations only activate when the page is visible, but that seems like something that should be directly addressed as a mitigation for that issue.
Security considerations should require that accelerometers and gyroscopes are disabled for other origins when vibrating.
OpenedJun 28, 2024
こんにちは TAG-さん!
I'm requesting a TAG review of the Vibration API.
This specification defines an API that provides access to the vibration mechanism of the hosting device. Vibration is a form of tactile feedback.
The API is specifically designed to address use cases that require simple tactile feedback only. Use cases requiring more fine-grained control are out of scope for this specification. This API is not meant to be used as a generic notification mechanism. Such use cases may be handled using the Notifications API that has a normative dependency on this specification. In addition, determining whether vibration is enabled is out of scope for this specification.
Further details:
You should also know that...
Chrome shipped this API in 2013, following the initial implementation in Firefox in 2012. To prevent unintended use of the feature, Firefox made a change to its implementation in 2016 to gate the feature behind a permission prompt. During 2016-2017 Chrome solicited feedback from users and enabled user activation gating for the feature, first for third-party iframes only, then also for top-level, inspired by conceptually analogous web audio and video autoplay also gated by a user activation. Later, Firefox decided to make the API act as no-op, presumably due to inability to find a satisfactory explicit user consent mechanism, a decision predating user activation gating being incorporated into the specification.
Due to complexity of revising a Recommendation under the old process, TR for this specification did not receive these latest updates informed by implementation experience, but they were incorporated into the Editor's Draft instead. This caused some unfortunate confusion among readers not closely watching the specification. To clear this confusion, supported by reinvigorated interest and process improvements for revising a Recommendation, this API is now being revived on the Recommendation Track to allow bringing the updates from the ED back to TR and to allow for further improvements using the modern streamlined publication flow.
Since the latest published version the Working Group has gathered further implementation experience, added new privacy protections and improved reuse of definitions in other specifications.
The group decided to publish the specification as a new Candidate Recommendation Snapshot to bring updates that align with implementations from the ED to the TR.
Please see the commit history for details and the changes section for an overview of the changes since the latest published version. Diff between the latest published version and the staged snapshot is available at htmldiff.
Thank you for your review!