#777: Requesting TAG review for Trace Context Level 2 changes
Max: I looked today, this is an updated version from an existing standard. The main update, explained in the explainer, is to introduce a new flag called randomTraceID. When this flag is set, the rightmost 7 bytes on the trace id will be randomly generated. the purpose is to use the global unique randomly generated id to for eg. sampling purposes. I think it makes sense, and don't have other comments since it's only updated.. [max dropped off the call]
Yves: I looked at it and agree with Max. It doesn't seem to be adding anything harmful. Looks okay, not contentious.
Max: agree
OpenedSep 29, 2022
Hello TAG!
I'm requesting a TAG review of Trace Context Level 2 which is in FPWD.
What: The main difference from Trace Context Level 1 (which is already in recommendation status) is the ability to express whether at least a part of the traceID has been randomly (or pseudo-randomly) generated. Why: This enables downstream systems to use the trace ID for sampling purposes or for sharding purposes. How: This is achieved by the introduction of a new flag called "Random Trace ID flag". If the newly introduced random-trace-id flag is set, at least the right-most 7 bytes of the trace-id MUST be randomly (or pseudo-randomly) generated.
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