#497: Schemeful Same-Site
Dan: we asked for more explainy explainer, and how it fits together with scheme bound cookies.
Dan: we asked for more explainy explainer, and how it fits together with scheme bound cookies.
OpenedApr 9, 2020
Hello TAG!
I'm requesting a TAG review of Schemeful Same-Site.
The SameSite cookie attribute is designed to defend against CSRF attacks but currently does not take the scheme of the site into account. This was originally to assist sites during their transition to https, however it results in the secure and insecure versions of the same host being considered same-site. A network attacker could thus impersonate http://site.example and use it to bypass SameSite protections on https://site.example. Between this security flaw and HTTPS usage markedly increasing, we believe it is time to change this definition.
Modify SameSite’s implementation in the user agent to consider origins with different schemes as cross-site. Thus https://site.example and http://site.example would now be considered cross-site.
Further details:
We'd prefer the TAG provide feedback as (please delete all but the desired option):
💬 leave review feedback as a comment in this issue and @-notify @sbingler