#907: CSS `text-spacing` property and its longhands
Yves: explainer is a google doc... needs i18n review more than anything else. Syntax seems okay, painful to parse but should be deterministic
<blockquote> Hi @kojiishi thanks for that – we're reviewing this morning and largely happy with the proposed syntax. Can you also let us know more about the status of this work in the CSS working group and multi-browser support. Are there webkit and Mozilla standards positions on this? Can you also let us know about any W3C internationalization review if this has happened? </blockquote>2023-11-13
Yves: I don't have an issue with this - the main issue might be "why are we reviewing this now" - it's not early or horizontal so feels weird.
Peter: it's a CSS thing that isn't architectural...
Yves: syntax could be - part of the syntax could impact parsers...
Lea: one concern I have - often features added that only work in a single language... the name doesn't indicate that. It's a CJK specific thing... but sounds like a more genral thing. Maybe just that the explainer is focused on CJK?
Peter: that's useful feedback...
Dan: does florian think it's premature to review it or not..?
Yves: a bit premature becasue it's not stable enough to reach cr... but still it's pretty stable
Peter: at least one feature that also applies to french..
Rossen: and arabic
Peter: so not ideographic specific. Okay to close?
Rossen: i'm happy to close.
agreed to close 907, Yves to write closing comment
OpenedOct 10, 2023
Hello TAG!
I'm requesting a TAG review of CSS
property and their longhands.This property is a shorthand for setting text-spacing-trim and text-autospace in a single declaration. They control the typographic behavior for Han-derived scripts, specifically Chinese and Japanese. Traditional Han-based Korean is also included but Hangul is usually not included.
Further details:
We'd prefer the TAG provide feedback as (please delete all but the desired option):
💬 leave review feedback as a comment in this issue and @-notify [@kojiishi (implementer), @clqsin45 (implementer), @bfgeek (implementer), @fantasai (spec editor), @frivoal (spec editor)]