Open reviews
Scheduled for 2025-03-03
#1027: CSS `dynamic-range-limit`
#1043: CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint API
#1050: Permissions Policy reports for iframes
#1052: Early Design Review for Device Bound Session Credentials
#468: Review the HTML spec's treatment of focus
#523: MiniApp Lifecycle
#525: Overall review of features which enable/disable subframe or subresource capabilities
#762: MiniApp Packaging
#803: FedCM multi IDP support
#831: Eligibility for autofill
#838: Specification review for fenced frames
#842: Isolated Web Apps
#843: Web Audio API: RenderCapacity API
#878: systemEntropy addition to PerformanceNavigationTiming
#896: Partitioning :visited links history
#899: Securing Verifiable Credentials using JOSE and COSE
#909: Permissions Policy Reporting and Report-Only mode
#935: FedCM API extension: Button Mode and User Other Account API
#942: Constructors for RTC encoded frames with custom metadata
#945: FedCM bundle: Continuation API, account labels, custom parameters, scopes
#974: FedCM's IdP Registration API
#977: Accessibility conformance Testing (ACT) Rules Format 1.1
#991: Writing Assistance APIs
#992: FedCM as a trust signal for the Storage Access API
#995: Document-Isolation-Policy
#997: [HTML] Canvas place element
#1012: User-defined script "entry points" for performance timing
#1013: Paint/presentation timestamps in performance APIs
#1015: Payment link type in HTML
#1017: ClipboardChange event API
#1020: CSP report-hash keyword
#1021: CSS Inline `text-box`, `text-box-trim`, and `text-box-edge` properties
#1029: Final Review Request of seven (7) W3C VCWG Specifications
#1030: [HTML] 2D canvas floating point support
#1031: Custom Functions (@function)
#1034: Container Timing API
#1036: [HTML] Fix divergence of CanvasRenderingContext2D and Offscreen with CanvasSettings
#1037: CSS Overflow Navigation Controls
#1039: Delegation-oriented FedCM
#1040: Navigation API deferred commit
#1042: Unicode MessageFormat 2.0
#1045: CSS if() function
#1047: Early Design Review: Related Website Partition API
#1048: `require-sri-for` CSP directive
#1049: WebRTC Encoded Transform Timestamps
#1051: (brand new ✨) Web Install API
#1053: CSS Scroll Markers
#1054: CSS Scroll Buttons
#1055: CSS inert
#1056: CSS Stylable Columns
#1057: Incremental Font Transfer
#1058: The `interesttarget` attribute
#1060: Physical and logical resolution for screen-capture MediaStreamTracks
#1061: CSS View Transitions - Nested View Transition Groups
#1062: TAG spec review of Stateless Bounce Tracking Mitigations
#1063: WebGPU Compatibility Mode
#1064: Expose contentEncoding in resourceTiming
#1065: Update QuotaExceededError to a DOMException derived interface
#1066: 'focus-without-user-activation' permissions policy
#1067: Controlled Frame