I'm requesting a TAG review of highlightsFromPoint API.
The highlightsFromPoint() API is designed to enhance user interaction with highlighted content on web pages. Highlights are used to visually distinguish specific ranges within a document, such as comments, search results, or spelling errors. This API aims to provide a robust mechanism for identifying and interacting with these highlights, addressing challenges related to multiple overlapping highlights, shadow DOM handling, and performance optimization. More details were discussed in the original issue filed in csswg: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7513.
OpenedJan 22, 2025
こんにちは TAG-さん!
I'm requesting a TAG review of highlightsFromPoint API.
The highlightsFromPoint() API is designed to enhance user interaction with highlighted content on web pages. Highlights are used to visually distinguish specific ranges within a document, such as comments, search results, or spelling errors. This API aims to provide a robust mechanism for identifying and interacting with these highlights, addressing challenges related to multiple overlapping highlights, shadow DOM handling, and performance optimization. More details were discussed in the original issue filed in csswg: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7513.
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